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Las Vegas Casino Injury Lawyers



When it comes to gambling and fun, no city on earth quite holds up to Las Vegas. Tens of millions of visitors come from across the globe every year, and in many instances, their desired destinations are our many casinos. Unfortunately, some people sustain serious injuries while in these establishments. This is not surprising in an atmosphere that’s known for over-serving customers in order to encourage gambling. Even in businesses that responsibly serve guests, however, accidents are possible. If you or a loved one were hurt in such an incident, a casino injury lawyer in Las Vegas may be able to help.

At High Stakes Injury Law, we’ve spent years helping clients seek justice after suffering a personal injury. Whether you were harmed in casino parking lots or on the gaming floor, you may be able to recover compensation for things like lost wages, medical bills, property damage, and more. Unfortunately, this may be an uphill battle. Casinos aren’t in the business of losing money, so they’ll likely fight back hard to prevent you from receiving fair financial recovery. That’s why having Las Vegas personal injury lawyers on your side can prove so invaluable.

Hurt in a casino? Contact our law firm online or call (702) 444-3228 today to schedule a free consultation.

Table of Contents

When Is a Casino Liable for Your Injuries?

Under Nevada premises liability law, casinos have a high duty of care for patrons who visit. That’s because these patrons are considered “invited guests” under the law. Since the establishment is profiting from the presence of visitors, they have a responsibility to provide a safe environment for everyone. When casino owners fail to do this, they may be held responsible for injuries sustained on their property. Whether they’re considered liable for your injuries, however, will depend on whether they violated a duty of care and caused harm in the process of doing so.

A duty of care is something that we all have in our daily lives. We have a responsibility to avoid actions that could cause harm to others. For instance, you have a duty of care to other guests in a casino to avoid actions such as drunk driving in the parking lot, running on the gaming floor, or fighting in the hallways. The owners of these establishments have a similar duty to prevent casino injuries caused by negligent, reckless, or illegal acts. They may even be held responsible for the improper behaviors of their employees. Of course, this is only the case if a violation of their duty results in injuries or damages.

For instance, failing to install proper locks in casino hotel rooms creates a risk for guests. It’s an obvious violation of their duty of care. If this violation never results in anyone suffering a physical injury or being otherwise harmed, though, there are no casino injury victims to bring forward a lawsuit. And if someone attempts to sue without suffering damages of any kind, it’s very likely to be thrown out in court. While these may seem like tall hurdles to clear, don’t forget that casinos have a high level of responsibility to their guests. If you’ve suffered an injury for any reason, our legal team may be able to help.

What Are Common Causes of Casino Injuries?

Casino injury cases are unlike many other types of personal injury claims. That’s because you’re supposed to feel safe when in these establishments. You’re not engaged in any activities — such as driving on the interstate or undergoing surgery — that have inherent risks involved. Surprisingly, there are still thousands of potential hazards that could cause a significant casino accident. While there is no exhaustive guide to the possible dangers faced in these establishments, the following list contains some of the most common causes of such mishaps:

  • People running into others
  • Tripping over steps
  • Falling from unstable or broken seating
  • Slipping on spilled liquids
  • Tripping over loose carpeting
  • Falling over clutter in walkways
  • Slipping on recently mopped/waxed floors
  • Accidents in parking lots
  • Swimming pool accidents
  • Broken stairway railings
  • Accidents in hotel rooms
  • Holes in the casino floor 
  • Malfunctioning equipment
  • Assaults caused by inadequate security measures
  • Broken escalators or elevators

Don’t forget that this list is far from exhaustive. There are many other casino accidents that could cause you harm. Regardless of the underlying circumstances of your injury, seeking out experienced legal representation is likely in your best interest. The cause of your injury is far less relevant than who’s liable for the incident. If you hope to secure maximum compensation — particularly against an establishment whose sole focus is profit — you need to build a solid case that proves who’s at fault. Our law firm can assist in this endeavor. Contact High Stakes Injury Law today for a free review of your casino injury case.

Are Casino Owners Always At Fault?

If you’re injured on casino property, it makes sense that you would think the property owner was at fault. If you opt to represent yourself in legal proceedings, you may even think it’s wise to immediately file a personal injury lawsuit against them. Unfortunately, this might be a hard way to learn that casino proprietors are not always at fault for accidents on their property. While injured victims are very often harmed due to dangerous property conditions, a lack of adequate security, food poisoning, and other negligence by the casino management, it’s also possible that other parties may be liable for your injuries.

For instance, envision a scenario where a drunk driver leaving the parking lot strikes a pedestrian. The driver will typically be seen as the at-fault party, and since there is no dram shop liability in Nevada, even the casino’s negligence in over-serving the customer will not make them liable for damages. It’s also possible that third-party contractors, negligent casino guests, product manufacturers, and an array of other companies and individuals could be at fault in your accident. We’ll discuss this with you during your free case review at your initial consultation. You deserve justice — regardless of who’s responsible for your casino injuries.

Is There a Deadline to File a Claim for Personal Injuries?

If you’ve suffered injuries in a Las Vegas casino accident, you’ve already got a full plate on your hands. You have to focus on healing, replacing potentially lost wages, paying for medical treatment, and a host of other concerns. Unfortunately, Nevada law adds a bit more difficulty to the equation by setting a deadline on when you can file personal injury cases against casino managers, property owners, or anyone else who may be liable for your injuries. In Nevada, the statute of limitations for personal injury claims is two years. Failing to file a claim within that time could forfeit your right to financial compensation.

Even if you’re proactive early on with your case, though, this deadline can still become an issue. Casinos have entire risk management departments to help avoid potential injuries on their properties. Establishments that are this committed to avoiding lawsuits also have legal departments devoted to protecting their profits. These departments may try to drag out settlement negotiations. If they manage to “run out the clock” on the two-year statute of limitations, you’ll likely have no leverage in further negotiations. What’s the moral of the story? You should reach out to a casino injury lawyer in Las Vegas as soon as possible.

Contact Casino Injury Lawyers in Las Vegas Today

The bright lights of Las Vegas casinos are one of the main attractions of our city. People come from all over the world for their chance to win big in Sin City. Casinos are easily the most popular destinations in our area, but it’s this very popularity that gives owners such a significant duty of care. Your visit was meant to provide a bit of excitement, so it’s disheartening when negligence turns your adventure into a serious mishap. If you or a loved one were injured in one of these establishments, you may have a valid casino injury claim. Let a Las Vegas personal injury attorney help.

At High Stakes Injury Law, our team of legal professionals understands the appeal of casinos. Unfortunately, we also know how a single act of negligence in these businesses can lead to long-term and financially devastating consequences. Fortunately, you don’t have to face these difficulties on your own. Our attorneys have over 60 years of combined experience, and we’ve spent four decades serving Clark County and the surrounding areas.

Contact us today by calling (702) 444-3228 and let us handle your personal injury claim for you. Our casino injury lawyers in Las Vegas will work tirelessly to advocate on your behalf.

Las Vegas Office Location

320 S Jones Blvd,
Las Vegas, NV 89107
(702) 487-9351

5 stars representing review rating quotation marks for testimonials

If you are in need of a wonderful law firm to handle your personal injury case please read this. Three years ago I was that person. I had never filed a lawsuit in the 30 years that I lived in Las Vegas Nevada… rust in this firm, they will not disappoint you and you will feel the confidence that you need to feel in your attorney.

- Diane Buchanan

5 stars representing review rating quotation marks for testimonials

I just hired this law firm to help me after an accident. I really appreciated Attorney Poisson contacting me to discuss all the things to anticipate when involved in a lawsuit. He spent a lot of time with me, he was very informative, he was very thorough and very nice. I really appreciated that time spent with me.

- Susan Russell


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Resulting in neck injury






Resulting in loss of limb


