There are different types of damages you could receive for a premises liability claim, such as compensation for economic and non-economic losses. Medical bills, lost wages, and pain and suffering may apply in your case. While these damages typically relate to the severity of your injuries, the compensation available to you could cover far more than the cost of medical treatment.
The damages available for these injuries can be extensive, especially in cases where those injuries are severe. Continue reading to learn more about the potential compensation that could come with a premises liability claim.
Medical Bills
For many people, the process of recovering from a premises liability accident can be long and costly. Depending on the severity of the injury, ongoing medical treatment could last for weeks, months, or even for the rest of a person’s life. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), medical bills from falls alone cost more than $50 billion in 2015.
A plaintiff pursuing a premises liability claim could be entitled to recoup the cost of their hospitalization, surgical procedures, prescription medication, and follow-up visits. These damages could also cover the cost of occupational, physical, or psychological therapy.
Medical bills are a form of economic damages. This category of compensation stands out because it is possible to establish what these claims are worth through documentary evidence.
Pain and Suffering
Pain and suffering claims may also occur with serious premises liability injuries. These damages are designed to compensate you for the physical pain common with serious injuries. Pain and suffering damages differ from medical bills in that there is no agreed-upon value for this type of compensation.
Unlike economic losses, these non-economic losses do not usually come with bills or receipts. Because of the subjective nature of these damages, it is up to the judge or jury to decide their worth. Typically, the higher the medical bills and the more significant medical treatment, the more pain and suffering compensation that could be available.
Lost Wages
One of the side effects of a serious injury can be the inability to return to work. In some cases, you could find yourself out of work for weeks or months. This could cost you your only source of income, drain your personal days, or both. The good news is that it is possible to seek compensation for your lost wages following a premises liability accident.
These damages are based on the wages you would have earned had you been able to maintain your employment. Using your employment records, you could establish the amount of compensation you missed for each day you were out of work.
For injuries with long-term consequences, you could experience reduced earning capacity in the future. Not only could your claim cover the time away from work prior to filing a lawsuit, but it could also result in compensation for your reduced earning capacity going forward.
Mental Anguish
Mental anguish is similar to compensation for pain and suffering. They differ in that mental anguish damages cover the emotional strain that reliving a severe injury can bring. This includes the stress of reliving the injury after you have healed.
Property Damage
While property damage claims are more commonly associated with motor vehicle accidents, you could be entitled to damages for any of your personal property that is damaged or destroyed. This could include anything from a broken watch to a ruined laptop computer.
An Attorney Can Help Your Pursue Premises Liability Damages
If you are considering a premises liability lawsuit, let the team at High Stakes Injury Law advise you on what damages you could receive from a premises liability case. We have recovered hundreds of millions of dollars on behalf of our clients. Call for a free consultation right away.