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Trucking Accidents

What Damages Can I Collect for a Truck Accident?

What Damages Can I Collect for a Truck Accident?

If you are involved in a truck accident through no fault of your own, you could pursue an array of damages for a truck accident. This is good news for accident victims, as the injuries that come with truck accidents can be severe. Because of these commercial vehicles’ size, the other motorists involved in the crash often suffer the most.

According to the National Safety Council (NSC), more than 70% of the injuries in truck crashes involve the passenger of vehicles other than the commercial truck. There were more than 4,800 fatal truck accidents in 2018 alone, according to the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA).

The injuries involved in a truck accident can be costly to treat. There are also other financial consequences of a truck crash, including the cost to repair or replace a damaged vehicle. Keep reading to learn more about what damages you could collect for a truck accident.

Medical Bills

For most people, the cost of medical care is the primary focus of a truck accident lawsuit. Treating a severe injury is not only costly, but these costs could be ongoing, as well. Some individuals could require medical treatment for their rest of their life following a severe collision with a commercial truck.

The good news is that you are entitled to pursue compensation for all of your medical costs related to a truck accident. These damages go well beyond the expense of an emergency room visit immediately following the collision. You could also recover compensation for the cost of the ambulance ride and hospital stay.

There are frequently ongoing medical costs as well. Your injury claim could recoup expenses for physical therapy, acupuncture, follow-up visits, surgical procedures, and prescription medication.

Lost Wages

Some people involved in severe truck accidents are unable to return to work due to their injuries. These motorists could be out of work for days, weeks, or even months. In some cases, a truck crash could alter victims’ abilities to earn a living forever. Compensation is available to replace the lost income a person suffers after a truck crash.

This compensation can cover more than just wages that were lost in the days or weeks following the truck crash. If the accident permanently diminishes your earning capacity, you could be entitled to recover damages based on the wages you will lose in the future.

Property Damage

Another available form of compensation has nothing to do with your bodily injuries. In most truck accidents, your vehicle will also suffer substantial damage. Some vehicles involved in a truck crash are damaged beyond repair.

Through a civil lawsuit, you could seek monetary damages for your property claims. This includes the cost of repairing your car or replacing it entirely. You could also seek an award that covers any damaged or destroyed property within your vehicle.

Pain and Suffering

Compensation could also be available for your physical pain and suffering. Severe injuries are frequently painful during both the accident itself and the recovery period that follows.

Pain and suffering damages are known as non-economic compensation. Unlike medical bills or car repair expenses, there is no uniform way to place a value on your pain.

When juries determine the amount of pain and suffering compensation to award, it frequently scales with the total amount of your medical bills. The higher your medical bills, the greater your pain and suffering damages might be.

Mental Anguish

Mental anguish compensation is similar to damages for pain and suffering; however, this compensation involves your emotional response to the accident after your physical injuries have subsided. Mental anguish is the emotional pain that comes with reliving the accident. These effects could last long after your physical injuries have healed.

Like with pain and suffering, mental anguish compensation is non-economic. The jury will ultimately determine the amount of mental anguish damages you are entitled to recover based on your testimony.

Consider Hiring an Attorney when Seeking the Damages Following a Truck Crash

For a thorough understanding of which damages you can collect for a truck accident claim, your best option involves speaking with an attorney. Your attorney could review your case and advise you on what your claim might be worth.

Our attorneys have experience pursuing legal action resulting from truck accidents. Call (702) 605-6671 for your free consultation.

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