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What Are Some Examples of Dangerous Conditions That Qualify for a Premises Liability Claim?

A premises liability injury claim is one that results from a dangerous hazard on another person’s property. Some examples of dangerous conditions that qualify for a premises liability claim include tripping hazards, inadequate lighting, and abandoned swimming pools. 

Understanding the potential hazards that could result in a viable legal claim could be helpful to you should you choose to pursue a claim for compensation. 

Trip and Fall Hazards

Falls are one of the most common causes of fatal and non-fatal bodily injuries. According to the National Floor Safety Institute (NFSI), falls account for more than 8 million emergency room visits each year in the United States. 

Fall hazards come in many forms. Often, these accidents occur due to dangerously slippery surfaces. This type of fall might occur due to spilled drinks or accumulated ice. In some cases, the floor itself could be to blame. If a business installs unsafe flooring, it could face liability for any injuries that occur in a fall. 

Some falls occur due to tripping hazards. Any unseen hazard that causes a person to trip, lose their balance, and fall could lead to a claim for monetary damages. Tripping hazards could include anything from bunched carpet to loose extension cords. Even garbage or debris overflowing from a trash can could represent a tripping hazard. 

Falling Objects

Some premises liability claims involve injuries caused by falling objects. These injuries have the potential to be devastating, particularly if a falling object strikes a person in the head or neck. Many falling object accidents occur in worksites or other construction zones. However, it is not uncommon for falling object accidents to occur in places where necessary upkeep has been ignored. 

The failure to maintain a property in a safe, working order has the potential to cause a risk of falling objects. This includes examples like aging roofs or dilapidated ceiling tiles. Even signage has the potential to fall and injure someone if it is not maintained appropriately. 

Exposure to Dangerous Objects or Substances

Many premises liability claims result from contact with a dangerous object. This could include a traumatic injury from a sharp object or even exposure to an electrical current. While these injuries are common in construction sites, they could occur anywhere where maintenance and upkeep are ignored. 

Other premises liability claims can result from contact with dangerous, caustic, or poisonous substances. These accidents could involve burns from a chemical spill or illnesses from the release of a toxic substance. 

Inadequate Security

Premises liability claims also encompass something known as inadequate security. Inadequate security claims involve injuries that occur due to criminal activity on the property of another person. 

Not every criminal act will result in a viable civil claim against the property owner. Instead, these cases are typically available when the property owner was aware of the risk of criminal activity on their property and failed to take reasonable steps to prevent or address it. 

These claims could stem from the lack of on-site security, the failure to install security cameras, or even the refusal to warn visitors of the potential safety risks that can occur on or near the property.

You Could Recover Compensation Following a Premises Liability Accident

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), accidental or unintentional injuries result in more than 173,000 deaths in the United States each year. The number of non-fatal injuries is substantially higher. 

The hazards listed above are only a few of the examples of dangerous conditions that qualify for a premises liability claim. Ultimately, any failure by a property owner or occupier to take reasonable steps to prevent their visitors from a hazard on their property could result in a claim for compensation. 

Contact Our Attorneys Today to Learn More

If you are ready to pursue a premises liability claim, High Stakes Injury Law are ready to help. We have recovered hundreds of millions of dollars on behalf of our clients, and we look forward to the chance of working on your premises liability case. 

Call for a free consultation today. 

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